A value investing strategy that only invests in stocks with more than 13 years of experience for investor’s with a risk tolerant profile.
Our Stocks Strategy consists of investing all capital in equities. The goal is to obtain sustained returns over time, always investing with a time horizon of at least six years. This strategy has low fees since it helps to increase yields.
Investments in this strategy can be made in investment fund format throughB&H Acciones FI or LU Fund format through B&H Equity LU.
The Spanish & LU fund have the same investment philosophy and strategy, and the portfolios do not have to be identical.
Our priority is to, at long-term, outperform the MSCI Pan-Euro Index with dividends, maintaining a lower volatility.
The portfolio is comprised of between 30 and 40 companies, without excessive concentration in any company.
We prefer quality businesses that are easy to understand and undervalued.
We identify companies whose market price is lower than its actual value, with a broad margin of safety. Over time, the price and value will balance out.
We prefer family businesses or businesses with a strong core of shareholders.
We like companies that combine low levels of debt with long-term earnings-per-share growth.
We look for businesses that have a clear competitive advantage that is sustainable over time.
The main currency is the euro, however we can invest up to 20-30% in other currencies, either hedging the foreign currency risk or not.
B&H Acciones FI |
B&H Equity LU |