A flexible investment fund.
Management Fee: 0,80%
Performance Fee: 5% p.a.
Depositary Fee: 0,05%
B&H Flexible FI “C” is an investment fund designed for investors with a time horizon of at least three years, since it invests in both stocks and bonds.
B&H Flexible FI “C” aims to achieve an optimum balance between returns and risks, and at the same time an appropriate proportion in its stocks and bonds portfolio
Medium term (at least three years)
0,80% Gestión & 5% Éxito
Check the B&H Flexible FI “C” investment fund return.
B&H Flexible FI
50% MSCI World Net Desde 01/04/19 + 50% Barclays euro aggregate Corporate bond
B&H FLEXIBLE "C" | Benchmark | Diferencia | |
2022 | 0,40% | 0,40% | 0,00% |
2021 | 19,70% | 15,10% | 4,60% |
2020 | 2,20% | 5,20% | -3,00% |
2019 | 18,50% | 15,50% | 3,00% |
2018 | -10,90% | -4,70% | -6,20% |
Net Performance
Past performance does not indicate future results.
B&H FLEXIBLE "C" | Benchmark | Diferencia | |
YTD | 19,70% | 15,10% | 4,60% |
1 Año | 19,70% | 15,10% | 4,60% |
3 Años | 44,60% | 43,00% | 1,60% |
Inicio Oct 2017 | 26,90% | 33,80% | -6,90% |
Accumulative performance from real data.
Net Performance
Past performance does not indicate future results.
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