At Buy & Hold we offer three investment strategies and one pension plan to meet the needs of each saver, according to the risk they wish to assume and their time horizon.


Stocks strategy, invest in listed companies. This strategy is for investors who are risk tolerant and have a time horizon of at least six years.

Investments can be made in investment fund format through B&H Acciones Europa FI or in OEIC format through Rex Royal Blue Sicav. There is no reason for these products to be identical.

B&H Acciones FI

B&H Acciones FI

B&H Equity LU

B&H Equity LU


Bonds and stocks strategy. It is aimed at investors with balanced profiles whose time horizon is at least three years.

We combine investment in fixed income and shares, seeking the optimal balance between profitability and risk

Investments can be made in investment fund format through B&H Flexible FI or in OEIC (SICAV) format through Pigmanort.

These products are not identical, due to the difference in amounts managed and the time they were created.

B&H Flexible FI

B&H Flexible FI

B&H Flexible LU

B&H Flexible LU


Fixed Income Strategy. It is aimed at investors with moderate profiles who seek to protect their capital for 12- to 18-month periods.

Investments can be made in investment fund format through B&H Renta Fija (Fixed Income) FI or in SICAV (OEIC) format through BH Renta Fija (Fixed Income) Europa SICAV.

These products are not identical due to the difference in the amounts managed, when they were created and the type of asset in which they may invest according to their prospectuses.

B&H Renta Fija FI

B&H Renta Fija FI

B&H Bonds LU

B&H Bonds LU


Pension plan that can invest up to 70% in stocks and the rest in bonds. It is aimed at investors with risk tolerant profiles whose time horizon is at least 5 years.

In this strategy, investments can be made in pension plan format through B&H Jubilación (Retirement).

B&H Jubilación

B&H Jubilación


We analyse your investor profile to offer you the savings product that best fits your needs.

You will always have peace of mind knowing your money is well invested. Guided by a team of experts with proven results.

Inversor Profile

By asking a few simple questions we are able to determine your investor profile and the most appropriate product for you.

Investment Management

We manage your investments based on a value philosophy. We optimise portfolios with the goal of obtaining the best results.

Monitoring Investments

We are constantly analysing companies, seeking out opportunities to investment in them and to keep beating the market.

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